Courses/Exams: Applications are invited for admission to Full time course of three years leading to a Post -Graduate Diploma IN Cinema with the following specializations:
1. Direction & Screenplay
2. Cinematography
3. Audiography
4. Editing
Eligibility: For Direction & Screenplay, Editing, Cinematography: Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university or equivalent
For Audiography: Graduate from a recognized university or equivalent, preferably with Physics as one of the subjects at the Higher Secondary Level (10+2)
Application procedure: Candidates who fulfil the required qualifications should submit their applications for admission only in the prescribed form . Application form complete in all respects should reach the following address : The Director, Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, E.M. Bypass Road, P.O. Panchasayar, Kolkata-700094
Each application for admission should be accompanied by:
1. A crossed Demand Draft for Rs.1500/- drawn in favour of Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, Kolkata, payable at Kolkata.
2. ONE photograph (3cm X 2.5cm)— pasted properly on the space specified on the application form; FIVE more stamp-size photographs stapled with Application Form with applicant’s name written on the backside. Candidates sending downloaded copy should paste one photo on the copy-form and along with staple other photographs with applicant’s name written on the backside.
3. Attested copy of the educational qualification certificate (graduation).
4. Notarised copy of the SC/ST/OBC Certificate (as applicable).
5 . Attested copy of the Annual income of father/ guardian.
Further details can be taken from: Tel: (033)2432 -8355 /8356 /9300
Fax: (033)2432 -0723 /2072
Address: E.M. By-Pass Road, P.O.: Panchasayar, KolKata - 700094
Last date of submission of Forms: 19.11.2009
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