Friday, October 16, 2009
Degrees from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing
Courses/Exams: Applications are invited for admission to the following programmes
1. M.Sc. in Geo-informatics
2. M.Sc. in Geo Hazards
3. M.Tech. in Remote Sensing & GIS
4. PG Diploma & Certificate Course (RS & GIS)
5. PG Diploma & Certificate Course (Geo-informatics & Geo Hazards)
6. NNRMS Sponsored certificate Course
Eligibility: 1. For M.Tech:
The applicants for M. Tech courses are required to have passed, at least in second class with not less than 55% marks in anyone of the following subjects presented in the following:
M. Sc/M. Tech Degree: Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Geophysics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology, Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Master’s in Urban Planning/ City Planning/Physical Planning/Regional Planning, Any Natural / Environmental Science discipline, Environmental Management
B.E/B. Tech Degree: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Agriculture Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, B.Arch./ M.Arch./B.Physical Planning or B.Sc Agriculture or Forestry (4 years)
For M.Sc. in Geoinformatics & M.Sc. in Geo Hazards:
The applicant for M.Sc. course is required to have passed with First Division in anyone of the following subjects:
M. Sc/M. Tech Degree: Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Geophysics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology, Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Remote Sensing, MCA, Any Natural /Environmental Science discipline, Environmental Management
B.E/B. Tech Degree: Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Agriculture Engineering or B.Sc Agriculture or Forestry (4 years)
Application procedure: Application forms can be downloaded from the website: & the completed filled-in forms should be sent to
Dean/TSO, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,
(National Remote Sensing Center), ISRO,
Department of Space, Govt. of India,
4, Kalidas Road, Dehradun – 248 001
Email : ;
Further details can be taken from: Tel: 0135 -2744583 / 2746798 / 2524105
Fax: 0135 – 2741987 / 2748041
Address: Dean/TSO, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, (National Remote Sensing Center), ISRO, Department of Space, Govt. of India, 4, Kalidas Road, Dehradun – 248 001
Last date of submission of Forms: M.Tech (RS & GIS): 30.10.2009
M.Sc. (Geo-informatics & Geo Hazards): 28.05.2010
PG Diploma & Certificate Course (RS & GIS): 27.11.2009
PG Diploma & Certificate Course (Geo-informatics & Geo Hazards): 25.06.2010
NNRMS Sponsored certificate Course: 05.02.2010
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