Thursday, October 15, 2009
University of Hyderabad-SMS-MBA Programme
Courses/Exams: The School of Management Studies (SMS) at the University of Hyderabad offers the two-year full time MBA Programme.
Eligibility: Prospective candidates a) should have completed a three-year bachelor’s degree programme (or its equivalent) in any discipline in an institution recognized by the Association of Indian Universities/ AICTE. Those completing their final examinations by June, 2010 can also apply ;
b) should have applied for and take the CAT-WINDOW 2009, scheduled between 28th November to 7th December, 2009
c) should apply to the University of Hyderabad indicating the CAT Registration No. and Test Centre Code in the prescribed form before the cut off date.
Application procedure: Prospectus-cum-Application forms can be obtained in person or by post from 30th October, 2009 on all working days from the Deputy Registrar (Acad. & Exams.), University of Hyderabad, P.O. Central University, Hyderabad - 500 046 against cash payment up to 30.11.2009. Each copy costs Rs.400/- for General and OBC candidates and RS.150/- for SC/ST/PH candidates.
The same can also be obtained by post up to 25th November, 2009from the Deputy Registrar (Acad. & Exams.), at the above address by sending (a) a requisition (b) one self-addressed slip, (c) a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.450/- for General and OBC candidates and Rs.200/- for SC/ST/PH candidates, drawn in favour of Finance Officer, University of Hyderabad on State Bank of India, Hyderabad Central University Branch, Hyderabad (Code No.5916) or on Andhra Bank, Nampally Branch, Hyderabad (Code No.378).
The Prospectus-cum-Application form can also be downloaded from the University's website at from 30th October, 2009. The downloaded application form, duly filled in as per the instructions and with supporting papers, should be sent to the Deputy
Registrar (Acad. & Exams.) together with a Bank Draft of Rs.200/- in the case of General and OBC candidates and Rs.75/- in the case of SC/ST/PH candidates.
Further details can be taken from: Tel: (040) 23010248 23132101
Address: Deputy Registrar (Acad. & Exams.), University of Hyderabad, P.O. Central University, Hyderabad - 500 046
Last date of submission of Forms: 30.11.2009
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