Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ph.D. Admissions and Post-Doctoral Fellowship-IIT Roorkee
Courses/Exams: Ph.D. Admissions and Post-Doctoral Fellowship – 2010
Ph.D. Programme: Applications are invited for admission to all discipline of Engineering & Technology, Science, Architecture & Planning, Humanities & Social sciences and Management.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship: A limited number of fellowships are available to carry out advanced research in all the disciplines as mentioned above.
Eligibility: An applicant possessing the following qualifications in appropriate areas shall be eligible to apply for admission for Ph.D. programme of the Institute.
(a) Masters degree in Engineering / Technology/ Architecture/ Urban & Rural Planning/ Sciences/ Humanities & Social Sciences and Management in respective discipline or equivalent with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 6.00 on a 10 point scale or equivalent as determined by the Institute wherever letter grades are awarded; or 60% marks in aggregate (of all the years/ semesters) where marks are awarded. OR
Applicants with B.Tech./B.Arch. degree or equivalent in respective discipline with excellent academic record (with a minimum CGPA of 7.00 on a 10 point scale or equivalent or 70% marks) may be considered eligible for admission.
(b) Applicants for admission for full-time studies who do not possess a M.Tech./ M.Arch./ MURP degree or equivalent in the relevant field must have a valid GATE score (at least 75 percentile) for Engineering/Technology /Science disciplines or must have qualified national level fellowship examinations such as NET (JRF/LS) conducted by UGC/CSIR for Science/ Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. However Engineering/ Architecture graduates without GATE from IIT/University of Roorkee having CGPA Score > 8.00 or marks > 80%.
For Fellowship: Candidate with a Ph.D. degree in Science and Engineering or those who have recently submitted their doctoral theses can apply.
Application procedure: Completed Application Form along with the Bank Draft of Rs. 250/- in favour of CHAIRMAN, PG ADMISSION, IIT ROORKEE, payable at ROORKEE be sent to the Office of CHAIRMAN, PG ADMISSION, IIT Roorkee along with a self-addressed envelope (30 X 25 cm)
Email :
Further details can be taken from: Phone : +91 1332 285875/284010
Fax : +91 1332 285874/273560
Website :
Address: Chairman, PG Admission-2010, IIT Roorkee, ROORKEE - 247 667 (Uttranchal) INDIA
Last date of submission of Forms: OCTOBER 30, 2009
IIT Roorkee,
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