Wednesday, October 14, 2009
IIT Madras
Courses/Exams: Applications are invited for admission to Ph.D and MS programmes under regular full time [with/without Half-time Teaching/Research Assistarrtship (HTRA)) and Part Time / External in the departments of Aerospace, Applied Mechanics, Biotechnology, Chemical, Chemistry, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical, Engineering Design, Humanities & Social Sciences, Management Studies, Mathematics, Mechanical, Metallurgical & Materials, Ocean and Physics.
Eligibility: For Regular (full time] Research Scholars:
Ph.D. in Engineering:
a] Candidates with a Master’s degree in Engineering / Technology with a good academic record or a Master’s degree by Research in Engineering / Technology with a good academic record.
b) Candidates with Master’s degree in Sciences with a good academic record and of exceptional merit where eligible, for the relevant Engineering discipline and with a valid GATE score or UGC / CSIR NET / NBHM or equivalent qualification in the relevant area tenable for the year of registration.
In the case of candidates with more than 5 years relevant experience after the Master’s degree, the requirement of a test score may be waived by the Selection Committee.
c] Candidates who have qualified for the award of Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / Technology with exceptionally good academic record in an eligible discipline will be considered for direct admission to Ph.D. Programme as a regular full time scholar subject to the following conditions:
- a B.Tech degree holder of an IIT with a minimum CGPA of 3.0 on a 10 point scale or with a valid GATE score.
- a Bachelor’s degree holder in Engineering / Technology from any other University should be among the top 10 rank holders in the University and having a valid GATE score.
- a Bachelor’s degree holder in Engineering / Technology from a reputed R & D organisation and having a proven research record.
Ph.D. in Sciences:
a) Master’s degree in Sciences with a good academic record and having a valid GATE score or UGC / CSIR NET / NBHM or equivalent qualification tenable for the current year in the relevant area.
b) Master’s degree in Engineering / Technology where eligible with a good academic record.
c) B.Tech degree holder of an IIT where eligible with a minimum of CGPA of 8.0 on a 10.0 point scale or with a valid GATE Score.
Ph.D. in Humanities and Social Sciences:
Master’s degree in an eligible discipline with a good academic record or equivalent and having a valid GATE score or UGC / CSIR NET / NBHM or equivalent qualification tenable for the current year in the relevant area.
Ph.D in Management:
Masters degree or equivalent PG Diploma or Associateship in a relevant discipline, and a Bachelor’s degree with a good academic record OR Five year integrated masters degree/ dual degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline with a good academic record AND
Qualifying in national level examinations such as JMET / CAT / MAT / ATMA / GATE / UGCor CSIR / NET JRF or Lectureship or equivalent or international level post graduate admission examination such as GMAT / GRE or equivalent. OR
At least 5 years of managerial experience in lieu of the above examination. (This clause is only for Non-HTRA candidates)
Master's degree in Engineering / Technology with a good academic record or a Master’s degree by Research in Engineering / Technology in a relevant discipline are exempted from qualifying in National level examinations.
For Institute staff members / Research Scholars under QIP / Research Scholars under External Registration / Research Scholars working on part-time basis:
For Research Scholars in the above categories, the minimum educational qualifications are the same as prescribed for Regular (full time) Research Scholars in for admission to the Ph.D. Programme in the respective categories.
However, valid GATE score or CSIR/UGC NET / NBHM /JMET / CAT / AIMA / JRF or Lectureship or equivalent qualification as applicable for regular (full time) research scholars may not be required in these cases.
Minimum Educational Qualifications for M.S:
For Regular (full time) Research Scholars:
M.S. in Engineering / Entrepreneurship / Management:
a) Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering / Technology with valid GATE score or a Master’s degree in appropriate Sciences Management / Humanities and Social Sciences where eligible with a good academic record and a valid GATE score or CSIR / UGC NET / NBHM / JEMT / CAT / AIMA or equivalent qualification tenable for the current year in the relevant areas.
b) Candidates having Associate Membership of the following professional bodies will also be eligible for admission to the M.S. programme of their parent discipline provided they have a valid GATE score and have passed both part A and part B of the Membership examinations with a good academic record.
The Institution of Engineers (India) (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Communications), the Aeronautical society of India, the Indian Institute of Metals, the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Institute of Electronics and Tele-communication Engineering and other professional bodies approved by the Senate from time to time.
Application procedure: Candidates must apply online through the website or and get access to the link “IIT MSPHD Application” and follow the instructions given therein.
Email : -
Further details can be taken from: Tel: 044 - 2257 8034
Fax: 044 - 2257 8042
Address: Chennai-600036
Last date of submission of Forms: 23.10.2009
IIT Madras,
Tamil Nadu
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